Caster Semenya, was yesterday (11 April, 2024), presented with a Heart of Cape Town at a Business Breakfast with the SA Ubuntu Foundation and Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages, held at the Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott in Cape Town.
James Fernie, Director of UthandoSA and creator of the Heart of Cape Town campaign: “Caster delivered an extraordinary speech which related to her life story and the journey of self-love, and the challenges of being able to deal with public scrutiny and press exposure, which in fact helped her to develop inner strength, courage resilience and determination.
What it really all boils down to is a love for self – a very powerful and potent message, especially for young people today, who might find themselves on the margins and in the minority.
Caster is an incredible person, a real South African hero and leader. I can think of no-one more fitting to be presented with one of these hearts”.
The SA Ubuntu Foundation holds regular talks with guest speakers to foster our shared humanity and the spirit of Ubuntu.
For more info, visit: or Facebook: theheartofcapetown and Instagram: @heartofcapetowncpt